Save money by keeping your fruit and vegetables fresh for up to 6 weeks in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. This remarkable Saver works by removing the ethylene gas produced by ripening foods. It is this gas that causes the rapid deterioration and rotting of plant matter. By eliminating the ethylene gas, the Saver has been proven to significantly reduce fresh produce wastage, up to 80%. With this innovative product, you can enjoy your fruits and vegetables for longer periods of time and avoid the frustration of throwing away spoiled produce. With its simple yet effective design, the Saver is easy to use. Just place it in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator and let it work its magic. The Saver is made from food safe plastic, ensuring that it is safe to use with your food. It is also refillable, so you can continue to use it for a long time. Another great feature of the Saver is that it is non-toxic and safe to use around your food. You don't have to worry about any harmful chemicals coming into contact with your fruits and vegetables. The Saver is effective for 3 months, after which you can easily replace the sachets. These replacement sachets are available and should be refreshed every 3 months to ensure continuous freshness for your produce. Don't let your fruit and vegetables go to waste. Invest in the Keep Fresh Fruit N Vegetable Saver and enjoy fresh produce for longer periods of time. Start saving money and reducing waste today!
- Made from food safe plastic
- Removes ethylene gases
- Proven effective
- Non-toxic and safe to use
- Effective for 3 months
- Refillable